Friday, August 1, 2008

My First...

This is my first BLOG entry to talk about our first BABY!!! Nolan and I found out I was pregnant (I'm not allowed to say "WE" are pregnant...haha) in the middle of June and just had our first ultrasound on July 25 to confirm everything was ok so far! I had to actually see the baby and its little heartbeat to actually believe it was true! The hearbeat was going at 162 bpm, which makes us think even more that we are having a girl. Either way we are just praying for a HEALTHY baby! I'm still in shock, but we are SUPER excited! The baby is due February 21st, so I'm 10 weeks and 6 days as of today. Here is the best picture we got out of the ultrasound, which was from 9 weeks and 6 days.

I'm going to try to be good about this whole blogging thing. I really enjoy looking at all my friends' blogs, so I guess I have to return the favor!


Anonymous said...

Yay, a blog! I like the picture a lot. I am dissappointed with the ones that we got Wednesday so I determined to get a better one from work. I can't believe that you are already 11 weeks! And our little ones are going to be sooooo close! Crazy! Well atleast we can be fat together ;)

Kiera said...

Exactly, you must! :) I really don't think the beginning heart rate tells you anything, because they are all super fast. My friend Bekah who is having a boy, his heartrate at first was 180 something and it's always high, so you never know. A few more weeks and we'll be sure to know (hopefully)!! Tyler just kicked and said he can't wait to find out if his best friend is a boy or girl!! :) Love and miss you! Keep up the blogging! :)