Two weeks since Mom's surgery! Things are getting a little better for her every day, although it is still very painful and hard for her. She is doing a great job with her therapy though. She makes Nolan very proud! :) Thanks for the prayers and keep praying that she progresses well!
While I'm on prayer requests, I need to mention Nolan's Grandad. He's had several medical issues lately and was in ICU at UAB for several days, but is now finally in a regular room. Please pray that he continues to improve and will be able to go home soon.
Paige got to come to Birmingham with Bobby and little Reesey the weekend after mom's surgery. I had a home volleyball tournament that same weekend, so I was not at the house very much. I spent most of it in the gym at Homewood High School! But the little time I got to spend was great! I left my camera with Paige and told her to take some pics while I wasn't there. Reese is getting so big! She is such a sweet-tempered beautiful little baby! And I don't just say that because she is my neice. :)
Check out mom's sweatshirt she got from Paige. It says "I survived knee surgery!" She was definitely proud to wear it! :)
Reese and her "owl eyes." She always has her eyes WIDE open!
I also got a precious picture of little Reesey hugging her little baby cousin in my belly! (I think this picture is towards the top of the blog) How precious is she.
I also had a small baby shower at school during our professional development day. The school wanted to honor all the pregnant teachers at one time (there are 8 of us!). Here is a picture of the FOUR math teachers who are pregnant, and we are all a month apart starting in November.
And last but not least, my 22 week belly pic! I feel like time is flying by and we still have NOTHING DONE for the baby. We don't even have his name totally picked out. My excuse is that I have to wait until I have two seconds to spare after volleyball season is over, which is just around the corner. Then I have to get crackin!